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Madeira Leaf Pattern Lace Knitting Stitch

Madeira Leaf Pattern Lace Knitting Stitch

Madeira Leaf Pattern Lace Knitting Stitch.

Madeira Leaf Pattern Lace Knitting Stitch

Lace Pattern

Multiple of 12 + 5

1st–6th rows K.2, + K.1, w.f., K.4, P.3 tog., K.4, w.f., rep. from + K.3.  

7th–12th rows K.2, P.2 tog., + K.4, w.f., K.1, w.f., K.4, P.3 tog., rep. from + K.4, w.f., K.1, w.f., K.4, P.2 tog., K.2.  

These 12 rows form the pattern

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